A Day In The A Blue Mountains.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I welcome you to take your time and browse , visiting my bush garden and discovering the wonders of my city within a national park; Blue Mountains National Park. Via my blog you will travel with me through the successes, trials and tribulations of gardening on a bush block. I share with you my patchwork & quilting, knitting, paper crafts, cooking and life in general.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Day 245/366

First day of spring and the sun shone.
The sun shone even though it snowed last night.
The sky gleamed blue, the wind slowed to a breeze and the sun shone some more.
We slept longer than usual then drank coffee made with freshly roasted and ground beans.
We visited the growers’ markets, purchased fresh fruit, newly harvested vegetables, spring lamb and organic poultry from local farmers.
We marvelled at the splendid lemon scented gums and sat with Daughter and Grand Daughter and drank more coffee.
We planted shrubs in the garden while the sun continued to shine.
When the sun retired we dined on succulent roast chicken, savoury roast vegetables and finished off the meal with our favourite vanilla ice cream.
How did you celebrate the first day of Spring?


  1. now that is a day of bliss!
    Love Leanne

  2. Wow what a great busy day you had!!! Love the picture looks like a beautiful day!!! Here in the states March 21 is the first day of spring.

    1. Hi TT, you know, I've never noticed that the northern hemisphere began their seasons on the equinox. Australia on the other hand begins its seasons on the 1st of the month.

  3. Sounds like you had a fabulous day! I love the sound of your dinner!

  4. What a great way to celebrate the first day of Spring.


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