A Day In The A Blue Mountains.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I welcome you to take your time and browse , visiting my bush garden and discovering the wonders of my city within a national park; Blue Mountains National Park. Via my blog you will travel with me through the successes, trials and tribulations of gardening on a bush block. I share with you my patchwork & quilting, knitting, paper crafts, cooking and life in general.

Monday, 19 June 2017

It's been a long time since I've posted! 
The recent success I've had with making 100% rye sourdough bread has prompted me to share that success here. 
Eighteen months ago I was having such a painful time with sinusitis that in desperation I sought the assistance of a qualified nutritionist and was encouraged to try a dairy free diet.   Which I did.  With astonishing results.  For the first time in decades I became symptom free.  Trials to reintroduce dairy into my diet have not gone well. So I continue to remain dairy free.  
I  also removed all gluten from my diet.  The past eight months or so, my health has been at times,  alarming. Without going into the intricacies of all that has developed with my health,  my situation meant I delayed reintroducing gluten into my diet.  
I am not coeliac. My suspicion is that my problem is with wheat so I am attempting to reintroduce gluten via grains that are wheat. 
My previous attempts at making bread have all be been disasters. But never before have tried making rye sourdough bread.  One hundred percent rye at that! 

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